My blog turns two years old the day after tomorrow...24 months...31 posts...and I have kept coming back after quite a few short hiatus'(if that word can be used in the plural at all :))
I started the blog on a rather solemn note two years back, while I was struggling to give vent to and verbalise my thoughts,guilt and anger as I watched the events of the three days preceding and following the November 2008 blasts in Mumbai unfold on televison...
Since then "Slice of life" and I have come a long way...
nostalgia...memories...joys...sorrows...dilemmas...tid bits of life's precious moments...slices of life...
Though the posts have really been few and far between as compared to regulars and veterans in blogosphere, nevertheless these are slices and moments of my life that I have chosen to share with you...and over the past two years, I have realized and have been encouraged by you, the readers to share more and more of my life experiences through my blog with a sense of liberty and freedom, I have never felt earlier...
Inspiration to write (which, unfortunately is not too often) comes in various forms and at the oddest of hours...initially when D was traveling a lot, I would be inspired to write whenever he was away ...needless to say, D wasn't really happy about the fact that my creativity found fodder and expression only when he was away :)....that was a transient phase though...the spurts of inspiration soon started showing up when I was driving to work... the long, rather arduous, hour long drive to work and back does come with it's share of benefits,after all, doesn't it !! ;))...sometimes I get inspired when I am in the lab, simulating some important experiment or am really busy at work...sometimes inspiration comes in the form of the most elementary of conversations I have with D and sometimes inspiration comes when I am in the loo...he he...hmmmm...wherever, whenever it may be , I feel this inherent need to immediately pen down my thoughts because before long and before I realize it, they invariably just fizzle out...but all's well as long as I continue to be inspired to write, I guess...which is in a weird kind of way, almost cathartic for me...
I feel an enormous sense of appreciation towards all of you who drop by and read...some of you are regulars, who visit my blog frequently...some of you drop by once in a while...some of you think what I write is trash....others keep coming back for more...some of you take the time share your thoughts and perspective with your comments, irrespective of whether you agree or disagree with me (thus adding value by keeping the interactive element of blogging alive) ...some of you read and are happy sharing an unspoken sense of camaraderie as you realize that the basic issues of life are things that all of us struggle's just that some of us express them openly, others choose not to but either way we are not alone in dealing with them... I have made friends in blogosphere whom I would have never gotten to know otherwise...and I am really grateful for thoughts and posts have been endorsed by many, which gives me strength and inspires me to continue thoughts and posts have also been refuted by many...and that too gives me the strength and inspiration to improve, think about issues from different view points and perspectives but still continue thank you all :)
I really do hope I will continue to have the courage to share slices of life experiences through this blog as I move forward ... and I hope this hobby doesn't fizzle out into thin air like a lot of my other hobbies have...fingers crossed about that...
So I leave you on that note for now...
Have a safe and beautiful holiday season folks !! :)