My brother, who lives and works in Bangalore, is currently visiting my parents in Guwahati...
Yesterday papa posted some pictures of my brother's visit home ...today, this is what my brother writes from Guwahati...
"Yesterday, I lived another day as a 17 year old. Took the city bus to Guwahati club hanging by the door (unlike before paid the full fare)...took a rickshaw back home (without threatening the rickshaw driver or haggling with him)...Had a couple of plates of momo (offered my friends without spitting on any)...bought a packet of Wills Filter from the shop downstairs (paid him a few extra bucks for all the cigarettes he gave me on credit)...met an old friend and went for a drive(did not play tennis, but made plans to)...smoked the day's last cigarette in the toilet(did not bother to spray the room freshner)...finally spent a few hours sitting in my balcony,before going to bed (the way I used to)...I love this place. After all these years, I realize I am more or less the same...and I am really glad about it"...
Well as I looked at the pictures and read this, I wanted to tease my brother about smokes and cigarettes constituting a major part of his nostalgia, I wanted to tease him about having put his 'cool dude' status in extreme jeopardy by becoming so philosophical,I wanted to nudge him and remind him that the balcony he mentions as his own ,was mine for a much longer period of time before it was passed on to him
(so it actually is still mine:-))...whatever!!! )...and then I felt a tug in my heart...oh boyy...it sure has been an interesting life journey for everyone in our family, with a lot of things that have changed and a lot that haven't...and amidst all the stress of planning a trip to India (specially for people like us, who have to get 'n' number of things done in a short period of a couple of weeks of vacation, including the oh so stressful visa stamping stuff etc.)...all of a sudden I wish the holidays were closer...yes home beckons...and I wish D and I were there right now...with family...
Hopefully I will have a lot of interesting stories and perspectives to share when I get back to blogging again...
Till then, I wish you all a very safe and happy holiday season with friends, family and all your loved ones!!
Happy holidays folks !!